Our medically-managed detoxification services were carefully designed to assist in your safe withdrawal from drug and alcohol use. Throughout the detox process, our staff in Northern New York will work closely with you to ensure you are safely and effectively treated. Together, we will help you relieve the symptoms of withdrawal and promote success.
Detox at Gouverneur Hospital Detox at Massena Hospital
As part of our detoxification program, we offer individual and group counseling, as well as education to help you better understand your addiction and create a plan for your discharge and continued rehabilitation.
Our drug and alcohol detox program is made up of an interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, counselors, and nursing aides, all specially trained to offer you the exceptional, compassionate care you need. Together, it is their goal to support patients through the initial step toward recovery.
Our services include:
Detox is provided in a way that promotes privacy and confidentiality for you and all patients. There is a lounge for activities, self-help meetings, and group counseling. Other areas of the facility include the nurses’ station, counseling rooms, and patient rooms. Detox patients should expect to have a roommate and are encouraged to please remember to be respectful of their needs.
If you are interested in detox services at Gouverneur Hospital, call (315) 261-5969, and for Massena Hospital, call (315) 842-3076, to complete a screening. In the event we are unable to immediately schedule your admission, you may be placed on a waiting list. Individuals on the list will be asked to call Detoxification Services at least once per day after completing the screening to work with staff to establish an admission date and time. On the day of admission, you will check in at Patient Registration and meet with a detox staff member to be assessed for meeting the criteria for treatment. This process takes about one hour to complete.
Patients are admitted 24/7. You will need valid and current insurance coverage, and all corresponding insurance cards, plus any/all medications currently being taken. Arrangements can be made if you are self-paying.
Upon admission, patients will receive a handbook that includes more details on each of the topics below.
Our holistic, evidence-based treatments are personalized to meet your behavioral health needs. From mental health for children, adolescents, and adults to outpatient programs, we are ready to help you in every way we can.
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