Cancer Resources

Helping You Through Your Cancer Diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis can leave you with a lot on your mind and many new things to navigate. We’ve pulled together our cancer resources to make pertinent information easy to find. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask your Center for Cancer Care team.

Call the Center for Cancer Care

Personalized, Complementary Care

At the Center for Cancer Care, we support you by personalizing every aspect of your cancer care, from the medicines you take to the food you eat and the appointments you make to the services you seek.

Patient advocates coordinate the care you need. Our licensed clinical social worker is available for bedside counseling. Your nurse navigator serves as your guide throughout treatment by coordinating your care, scheduling appointments, and acting as your central point of contact. They can also connect you to any services you might need, including behavioral health counseling, home care, financial assistance, transportation, and Medicaid. Your navigator ensures you and your family have all the information you need to make informed decisions throughout the process of your cancer diagnosis and treatment. If any issues arise, they will connect you to the appropriate care providers and help you find the answers you need. Our complementary care services include:

  • Speech therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Acupuncture
  • Reiki 

Our complementary care services are free for all cancer patients. Call (315) 261-5890 for more information.

Emotional Support

At the Center for Cancer Care, we know how emotionally challenging cancer can be for our patient and their caregivers, and we make sure you have access to the behavioral health services you need. Cancer diagnosis and treatment can impact patients’ and their caregivers’ behavioral health: you might feel anxious, depressed, angry, or that you have lost control.

Our social worker is available to our patients for bedside counseling, and can also connect you to additional behavioral health counseling, support groups, and other social services. 

As a caregiver, you may find yourself suddenly thrust into keeping track of appointments and medications, providing transportation, and managing additional expenses that are part of cancer treatment. Your relationship with the loved one you are caring for may change. 

If you are a patient or caregiver in need of emotional support, please contact our licensed clinical social worker at (315) 261-5015

Nutritional Support

Nutritional Support is available to ensure your body has proper nutrition. Cancer treatments can produce side effects that impact how you eat, including nausea, appetite loss, sore or dry mouth, difficulty in chewing or swallowing, and changes in taste or smell. Our registered dietitian works closely with your cancer treatment team to ensure you get the nutrition you need. She will meet with you to discuss your diagnosis and provide meal plans, recipes, and supplement recommendations throughout your cancer treatment. If you are a Canton-Potsdam Hospital cancer patient currently experiencing nutrition-related symptoms, contact Registered Dietitian Lauren Smith at (315) 261-5351 or (315) 323-6937.

Cancer Care Financing

The Center for Cancer Care has a full-time financial specialist who is available to discuss any concerns you may have about the cost of treatment. Our financial specialist is an expert at determining insurance coverage and assisting you in obtaining assistance. You can reach our specialist directly at (315) 261-5915.

We encourage you to talk to your insurance company to understand the specifics of how your insurance plan covers cancer care.

Canton-Potsdam Hospital has dedicated patient-friendly financial counselors who can help with financial planning, and our licensed clinical social worker can help you navigate Medicaid, and refer you to community agencies that assist. In some cases, the Center for Cancer Care and Canton-Potsdam Hospital may provide limited financial assistance to help with patients’ co-pays, prescriptions, transportation, and utilities.

Planning Your First Cancer Visit

Consider bringing a family member or friend to your appointment. A cancer diagnosis can be overwhelming, and you will likely be presented with more information than you can remember. Your friend can help ask questions, take notes, and support you throughout the process of your cancer treatment.

It is a good idea to bring a notebook and pen to take notes, comfortable clothing to stay warm, and a book, magazine, tablet, or another form of entertainment. 

Some tips to make your first visit easier:

  • Organize your medical records. It is helpful for your practitioner to know your full health history, prescription and non-prescription medicines you are taking and their respective dosages, any known allergies, and contact information for doctors that you see regularly.
  • Bring your health insurance information, including your insurance card and prescription card.
  • Provide Canton-Potsdam Hospital with your emergency contact information.