St. Lawrence Health

Pain Management

Personalized Relief from Orthopedic Conditions

We know that orthopedic conditions can be painful, but luckily, many options exist for dealing with acute (sudden) and chronic pain. Uniquely crafted to treat your condition, our pain medicine specialists work with you and your primary care provider to determine the best way to reduce your pain while you heal.

Our Pain Management Services

In order to manage your pain, we need to find the cause. Our individualized Pain Management care focuses on working together to find what is causing your pain and then creating an individualized care plan to meet your needs. Together, we will work to lessen your pain and improve your quality of life.

Starting with a careful pain evaluation, our pain medicine experts will lead you through medical, neurological, and musculoskeletal evaluations, comprehensive diagnostic imaging, nerve conduction studies, and evaluation for inflammatory arthritis. 

Following your initial assessment, our pain medicine specialists will work closely with specialists in physical and rehabilitative medicine, oncology, and/or rheumatology to carefully diagnose and treat a wide range of painful conditions. 

Non-Surgical Treatment Options

Our non-surgical treatment options include:

  • Exercise
  • Integrative/complementary therapies (yoga and acupuncture)
  • Medication
  • Physical therapy

Working closely with you, your pain management provider will work tirelessly to find non-surgical treatment options that work for you. If you do not find relief, they may suggest surgical intervention.

Surgical Treatment Options

If a minimally invasive or non-surgical treatment has not offered the pain relief you need, our surgical treatment options include:

  • Nerve blocks
  • Implantable devices

Combinations of surgical, medical, integrative/complementary, and physical therapy may be recommended to best fit your needs.

Our Pain Management Locations